This summer’s drought has forced dozens of Massachusetts to put outside water use bans and restrictions in place, but not Andover.

At Monday’s select board meeting, Andover Town Manager Andrew Flanagan said upgrades to the town’s water filtration plan and ongoing water main replacement, as well as a request for residents to voluntary limit water use, has helped. Flanagan suggested the town may make it through the summer without imposing restrictions or a ban.

“We’ve been very fortunate that every night of this drought we’ve been able to fill or come close to filling all of our tanks,” Flanagan said. “Fingers crossed, things have been going pretty well. We’re in a lot better shape than a lot of other places.”

The town’s peak water demand season runs from mid-June until mid-September. Demand during that period typically increases by 6,300 gallons per minute, mostly because of increased lawn, garden and yard watering.

Among the recommendations from the Department of Public Works for imiting water use:

  • Water lawns after the sun goes down or before it comes back.
  • Don’t overwater. Most lawns only require one inch per week, including rainfall. Overwatering can make lawns less susceptible to droughts.
  • Sweep driveways, sidewalks and steps instead of hosing them off.
  • Check spigots, hoses and connections for leaks.

More information on conserving water from Andover DPW.

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