Dave Card (1)
I promise these extra emails will cease after tomorrow. But for now, I need to offer another reminder: Andover News will start charging $7/month on Jan. 1, meaning tomorrow is the last day you can take advantage of our presale and get 29% off.

You can support Andover News today for as little as $5 per month. If you're not ready to support local, independent, nonpartisan journalism, you'll still continue to receive our daily newsletter, and you'll be able to access three posts per month on our Website.

The subscription rate will be $7 per month, but you can lock in a reduced rate if you sign up by Dec. 31:
  • One-month subscription for $5: save $2
  • Three-month subscription for $15: save $6
  • Six-month subscription for $30: save $12
  • One-year subscription for $60: save $24
We're not making this ask lightly: we know inflation is raging, the holidays were expensive, and there are lots of other places where you can spend $5 per month. But we believe local journalism is crucial for preserving democracy, keeping local government in check and helping to build community.

Questions, comments or concerns? Email me at dave@andovermanews.com or give me a call at 617-433-7851.

Dave Copeland
Publisher, Andover News
Facebook/Twitter/Instagram: @AndoverMANews