Selected entries from the Andover Police Department’s public log for Dec. 2-8 are listed below. Some entries may be updated after publication to include additional details from Andover Police Lt. Edward Guy. Those comments will be in bold.

You can download a PDF file of the complete, unedited log and view past entries from the Andover police log.

Monday, Dec. 2

8:47 am: Vandalism, Andover Street.
9:16 am: Caller claims he was assaulted in office on Central Street.
9:36 am: Detective investigation, Comanche Place.
4:57 pm: Caller bitten by neighbor’s dog, North Main Street.
8:35 pm: Theft from lockers, Haverhill Street.

Tuesday, Dec. 3

3:25 pm: Caller’s new friend acting strange and took his confidential work papers, Minuteman Road. She left in an ambulance she called to Lawrence General Hospital.
12:39 pm: Man in trash truck on Orchard Crossing. No one in vehicle.
2:15 pm: Caller is locked in his car, North Main Street.
5:17 pm: Child locked in car, Shattuck Road.

Wednesday, Dec. 4

7:37 am: Suspicious man walking around building on Andover Street.
8:36 am: Disorderly person, Berkeley Lane.
11:52 am: Arrested a 38-year-old Methuen woman on drug possession charges.
12:15 pm: Email threats to Transmedic CEO, Minuteman Road.
3:14 pm: Confrontation between two people over dogs being off leash on tennis courts, Shawsheen Road.

Thursday, Dec. 5

2:45 pm: Caller wants to report bullying, Memorial Circle.
5:40 pm: Dog bite, Abbot Bridge Drive.
9:46 pm: Staff wants help removing an intoxicated man who is no longer welcome at a sober house on Corbett Street.

Friday, Dec. 6

2:48 pm: Met with principal about custody/mental health issue, Beacon Street. Principal will call back if she needs assistance.
2:53 pm: Suspicious phone calls to Temple, Haggetts Pond Road.
10:22 pm: Person laying down in middle of Punchard Avenue. Gone upon arrival.

Saturday, Dec. 7

12:35 am: Package theft, Haverhill Street.
1:05 pm: Prius blocking homeowner’s driveway on Central Street. No issue — congested due to event.

Sunday, Dec. 8

12:11 am: Noise in area of Sho You on Park Street. Officer advised that the music be turned down.
12:58 am: Two men chasing caller’s wife’s car, Abbot Bridge Drive/Hartford Circle. Gone upon arrival
.3:49 pm: Crash with injuries, Lowell Street.

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