Credit: Andover Police Department/Facebook

Selected entries from the Andover Police Department’s public log for Jan. 13-22 are listed below. Some entries may be updated after publication to include additional details from Andover Police Lt. Edward Guy. Those comments will be in bold.

You can download a PDF file of the complete, unedited log and view past entries from the Andover police log.

Monday, Jan. 13

10:47 pm: Ex-boyfriend requesting well-being check on Haverhill Street woman.
10:33 pm: Man on sidewalk, Main and Park Streets. Uber picked him up.

Tuesday, Jan. 14

12:42 pm: Arrested a 35-year-old Andover man on Shattuck Road for drug posession and an outstanding warrant.
2:41 pm: Harassment, Andover Street.

Wednesday, Jan. 15

10:57 am: Assist man getting belongings out of ex-girlfriend’s River Road apartment.
12:40 pm: Woman surrendering rifle she found in her attic, Gleason Street.

Thursday, Jan. 16

12:59 am: Report of car stolen out of Andover High School parking lot on Shawsheen Road. It had been moved to a different lot by a friend.
8:27 am: Well-being check on woman who left hospital with IV in her arm, Haverhill Street.
8:46 am: Man keeps calling woman and left an inappropriate voicemail, Main Street.
1:24 pm: Report of unregistered firearm, Woburn Street.
3:19 pm: Man reports a co-worker kicked a golf club at him and broke his nose, Canterbury Street.
4:21 pm: Five kids on ice, Poor Street.
8:01 pm: Threats over Internet, Stratford Road.

Friday, Jan. 17

4:15 am: Arrested a 34-year-old Andover man on an outstanding warrant, Interstate 93 and Lowell Street.
9:25 am: Arrested a 22-year-old Andover man on an outstanding warrant, Crescent Drive.
11:00 am: Vandalism, Shawsheen Road.
12:29 pm: Car stolen in Andover recovered by Gaston County, NC police.
3:23 pm: Woman wants to report several incidents that happened at a Tech Drive hotel she stayed at in October and November.
11:24 pm: People playing hockey in a backyard rink and the puck is loud when it hits the wood, Whittier Street.

Saturday, Jan. 18

7:15 am: Profanity written on door, Crescent Drive.
3:59 pm: Person hit by bottle thrown from car, Central Street.
4:08 pm: People on ice, Federal Street.
6:17 pm: Caller reports being assaulted by staff member at nursing home, Morton Street.
7:20 pm: Threats made to church that meets at Double Tree hotel on River Road.

Sunday, Jan. 19

8:12 am: Unable to locate parents of four-year-old sitting at desk with staff for two hours, Tech Drive. Family found.
8:39 am: Pitbull following caller on her morning walk, Bancroft and Holt Roads.
10:41 am: Well-being check on man who hasn’t answered phone in three days following breakup, Haverhill Street.
12:25 pm: Two men driving golf cart up and down Woburn Street. Unable to locate.

Monday, Jan. 20

2:39 pm: Well-being check, Punchard Avenue. Man transported to Lawrence General Hospital.
4:49 pm: Threats, Lowell Street.
7:29 pm: Threatening email received, Haverhill Street.

Tuesday, Jan. 21

8:46 am: Man on e-bike trying to flag people down, Bellevue Road and Marigold Lane. Gone upon arrival.
3:35 pm: Well-being check, Punchard Avenue.

Wednesday, Jan. 22

9:33 am: Woman missing from group home on North Street since yesterday. Staff reported she has returned.
10:01 am: Woman’s vehicle is missing, Fleming Avenue.
12:05 pm: Workplace incident, River Road.
2:24 pm: Harassment, Burtt Road.
2:54 pm: Report of hit-and-run earlier in the day, Beacon Street and Chandler Road.
2:55 pm: Drug paraphernalia left behind at River Road hotel.
5:58 pm: MBTA man may be stalking a commuter rail passenger, Andover Street.
10:12 pm: Car doing Donuts in Brickstone Square parking lot.

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