File photo: Dave Copeland/Andover News

Selected entries from the Andover Police Department’s public log for Jan. 23-27 are listed below. Some entries may be updated after publication to include additional details from Andover Police Lt. Edward Guy. Those comments will be in bold.

You can download a PDF file of the complete, unedited log and view past entries from the Andover police log.

Thursday, Jan. 23

1:03 am: Woman refusing to leave, Campanelli Drive. Woman moved along.
5:52 pm: Trespassing, River Road.
11:08 pm: Hit-and-run crash, Lowell Street.

Friday, Jan. 24

11:06 am: Woman walking back and forth across North Street and almost getting hit by cars.
12:50 pm: Ongoing harassment issue, Salem Street.
12:53 pm: Arrested Davian Izikiel Gomez, 18, of Methuen on a charge of bomb/hijack threat.
2:13 pm: Caller says landlord has stolen multiple items from her apartment, Haverhill Street.

Saturday, Jan. 25

12:58 am: Five to six teenagers playing ding-dong-ditch, Argilla Road.
12:20 pm: 14-year-old girl missing since last night, Memorial Circle.
1:02 pm: Vandalism, Lowell Junction Road.
11:06 pm: Driver on wrong side of road, Andover Street and Dascomb Road. Arrested a 39-year-old Methuen woman on OUI and other charges.

Sunday, Jan. 26

5:54 am: Woman asleep in Stop and Shop parking lot on North Main Street. She was tired and stopped for a break. Driving back to boyfriend’s apartment.
10:11 am: Fridge left on side of School Street with door still on. Homeowner will remove door.
4:53 pm: Two-car crash with one driver complaining of neck pain, Brookside Drive and North Street.
7:31 pm: Two-car crash with personal injury, Main Street.

Monday, Jan. 27

10:18 am: Well-being check on 79-year-old woman, Elm Street.
6:29 pm: Well-being check on kids riding bikes on Chandler Street who appeared to be cold. Gone upon arrival.

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