Selected entries from the Andover Police Department’s public log for Nov. 18-24 are listed below. Some entries may be updated after publication to include additional details from Andover Police Lt. Edward Guy. Those comments will be in bold.
You can download a PDF file of the complete, unedited log and view past entries from the Andover police log.
Monday, Nov. 18
9:28 am: Mean note left on car, Bulfinch Drive.
1:15 pm: Elderly man who appears to be confused running down driveway on Elm Street.
1:49 pm: Hit-and-run while caller was in bank, Main Street.
5:43 pm: Stoneham police reporting a patient jumped out of a moving ambulance in Wilmington and may be in Andover.
Tuesday, Nov. 19
11:13 am: Owl complaint, Rock Ridge Road.
2:15 pm: Caller claims landscapers are burning leaves in back of truck, Forest Hill Drive and River Road.
4:14 pm: Man lurking in backyard, attempted to open door, Bailey Road. Man appears to be an electrician.
8:55 pm: Delivery driver causing disturbance in lobby on Riverside Drive.
Wednesday, Nov. 20
6:47 am: Person sleeping on back steps of River Road hotel.
1:23 pm: Trespassing, illegal dumping on Railroad Street property.
9:13 pm: Homeless woman sleeping in stairwell ofn Railroad Street.
Thursday, Nov. 21
6:30 am: Arrested a 40-year-old Fall River man on an outstanding warrant, River Road.
9:08 am: Skunk walking around in circles, Greenwood Road.
11:20 am: Car break in, Cloverfield Drive.
12:50 pm: Student left building, Shattuck Road.
3:08 pm: Disorderly person, Shawsheen Road.
Friday, Nov. 22
9:51 am: Injured animal, Reservation Road.
9:59 am: Missing person, River Road.
11:30 am: Deer with arrow in its back on Ballardvale Road.
1:16 pm: Unruly train passenger, Railroad Street.
4:09 pm: Shoplifting, Essex Street.
6:09 pm: Crash with injury, Route 93 and River Road.
6:31 pm: Possibly drunk man stealing from hotel store, River Road.
Saturday, Nov. 23
11 am: Laptop stolen from vehicle, Tallyho Lane.
1:10 pm: Overnight vehicle break in, Chandler Road.
1:18 pm: Man attempting to enter rooms at a River Road hotel.
5:59 pm: Caller wants to speak with officer about scam emails he is receiving, Main Street.
Sunday, Nov. 24
12:51 am: Caller’s child was left alone in hotel room by father, River Road.
1:02 am: Caller complaining about noise from upstairs apartment. They were setting up Christmas tree and will stop for the night.
11:41 am: Person walking around lobby and going through trash, Campanelli Drive.
5:57 pm: Caller caught someone looking through her window, Stowe Court.