Select Board Raises Concerns About Impact Of Business Tax Rate
The select board in recent years has looked to keep tax increases even across residential, commercial, and industrial properties. But…
Local Matters
The select board in recent years has looked to keep tax increases even across residential, commercial, and industrial properties. But…
If the select board adopts the same shift as the current fiscal year, residential property taxpayers would see an average…
The budget is down from the current fiscal year's $24.5 million, when the budget included a new, $600,000 turf field…
A court ruling revealed details about Fahey's firing the Town had declined to disclose under the Massachusetts Public Records Law.
"Our legislative body also sent a very clear message: the current town leadership is out of touch and needs to…
Nazis forced Jewish people to wear a yellow star, often inscribed with the word "Jew," following the German Occupation of…
"It may be time to shift our focus onto the real problem with Town Meeting. It’s us."
Andover typically sees competitive elections when an incumbent -- or incumbents -- decide not to seek reelection.
While special town meeting could have voted to approve both articles, as both the school committee and select board recommended,…
"It’s not realistic to expect a $50 million investment will address the facility problems at Andover High School."