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The following letter to the editor was submitted by Andover resident Michael Silverman. The views expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Andover News. You can learn more about our policy on opinion and commentary on our Mission and Policies page.

I appreciate public service and what the present school committee incumbents have contributed to our Town over the past 3 years. They did sign a service workers’ contract and established further DEI initiatives.  They followed citizens’ leads in participatory school budgeting too.

Their other documented contributions have been less successful. I.e. the teacher’s strike (2024), 8 or so principals leaving us since 2022, a failed new High School proposal (2023) and lack of progress on an interim plan, contentious redistricting (2024-25), decreasing enrollments despite an increase in Town population, and declining academic achievements vis-a-vis Andover’s peers, along with a general failure to bring towns-folk together to plan for the future. I recommend voting for the new candidates, Chris Shepley and Jake Tamarkin.

Shepley presents a strong, student-centered platform with a focus on transparency, fiscal responsibility, and academic excellence. He also has the most recent experience as a graduate of APS.  His commitment to improving the quality and effectiveness of APS appeals to those of us with kids in schools, educators, staff, and management. He is truly interested in engaging everyone and listening to those of us with kids in the schools and those taxpayers without.  For example, Chris advocates for clear, accessible communication between the Schools and us, the parents, and taxpayers. Too often the incumbents have limited community participation and kept the taxpayers in the dark about declining enrollments, decreasing academic outcomes, and administrator and teacher dissatisfaction. The incumbents’ opacity is not helpful for improving the community’s trust in APS or student outcomes.  Fiscally, Chris proposes redirecting funds from administrative overhead and consultants to direct classroom investments, ensuring resources go toward students and teachers, who co-create learning every day. Anecdotally, my kid (with an IEP) demonstrates the most academic knowledge and understanding when working in small groups or one-on-one.  Academic research backs this up.  Aligned with this evidence, Chris prioritizes curriculum improvements through technological advancements, as well as vocational/technical education to meet the needs of our diverse student body with differentiated learning needs. Andover Public Schools needs Chris’ open-minded, thoughtful, and caring approach, which I’ve experienced first-hand as Chris’ academic writing and research Professor at UMass-Lowell.  

Tamarkin’s candidacy, too, is appealing for his financial know-how drawn from his professional work, similar interest to Chris’ regarding transparency and community engagement, as well as his emphasis on long-term planning.  With 25 years of experience handling large budgets and strategic challenges, Jake brings much-needed financial knowledge, innovation, and empathy to the School Committee. As part of his “let’s look at the whole school system and forward-looking approach…” Jake advocates for big-picture, multi-year (financial) planning instead of reactive, year-by-year budgeting, which could lead to more sustainable fiscal management. The incumbents rejected this multi-year approach at the recent Service Club debate (March 2025). Furthermore, Jake speaks up about the need to repair relations with educators post-strike, which could improve morale and prevent future labor conflicts. Teachers are currently in negotiations for their next contract and acknowledging this need, and effectively engaging all stakeholders is wise and timely. In contrast, the incumbents have shown little interest in improving relations among all stakeholders in general and the instructional staff in particular. I’ve gotten to know Jake over the past several years through his participation in ‘Town Meeting’ and board meetings and music, where our kids share a common interest in playing in the school bands.  Andover Public Schools need Jake’s thoughtful, engaged, and evidence-based approach to planning for academic excellence and fiscal responsibility for the next decade. 

While no candidate is perfect, what evidence do the incumbents provide for us citizens to want more of the same?  Vote for Shepley and Tamarkin. Each has valuable experiences, is qualified and open-minded and will provide diverse ears and eyes on the chronic school issues related to providing educational excellence in challenging times. I am the father of an APS student, a graduate of the Andover public school system, a son of public school education specialists/administrators (the late-Myrna and Jerry Silverman), and an educational researcher and university academic writing professor who recognizes the many facets of a successful educational system.

Michael Silverman, Ph.D.
Educational Researcher and Professor of Academic Writing
University of Massachusetts, Lowell.

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