The following letter to the editor was submitted by Andover residents George and Martha Walsh. The views expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Andover News. You can learn more about our policy on opinion and commentary on our Mission and Policies page.

When I think of qualities that I prioritize in a School Committee candidate, the ability to ask tough questions is at the top of my list.  I believe that Chris Shepley has shown our community that he is willing to do just that.

Recent letters have highlighted the incumbents’ “accomplishments” during their term.  They reference the adoption of the Social Emotional Learning curriculum, conducting both a literacy audit and an equity audit, and the restoration of the curriculum councils.  While I don’t find issue in any of these actions, I think we need to be clear about how the School Committee members participate in these operational tasks.  As has been made clear through a March 2024 workshop and an incumbent’s own video, the School Committee is responsible for governance, not operations.  Therefore, as a group, they are not involved in completing and/or executing the above named actions.  As the body that oversees the Superintendent, the School Committee’s role is to do research and ask thoughtful and probing questions that both sets policy and establishes the district’s educational goals.  

Rather than simply list these initiatives that have occurred during their term, what should be evaluated is how much research, how many questions, and what level of curiosity was displayed by the incumbents to push the district to be the best it could be…or did they simply rubber stamp whatever was put on the tightly controlled agenda?  During the budget season last year, there was a shocking lack of deeper questioning.  No School Committee candidates asked questions that required the administration to get creative.  This year, we have seen a shift.  The administration, after pressure from the town last year and the election of two new School Committee members, read the room and dug deeper.  There are new line items that are being reduced, three positions from administration are cut or going unfilled, and the town was asked to help during these challenging times.  The incumbents had the opportunity to push the administration to get creative last year to save student-facing positions, and they did not do it. 

We need a School Committee that deeply considers the issues facing the schools and is willing to ask the tough questions.  We need Chris Shepley.

George and Martha Walsh

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