Andover police have identified the person who posted a threat against Andover High School on social media Firday and deemed the threat “not credible,” Principal Jimmy D’Andrea said in a second note to parents Friday morning.

“All students and staff in the building are safe, and we will continue to have a police presence at the school for the remainder of the school day,” D’Andrea said, adding that absences on Friday would be excused. “For those of you who came to the school to pick up your students today, thank you very much for your patience.”

There was a heavy police presence at Andover High School Friday morning after school officials were alerted about the threat.

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“I am writing to share that we received a report this morning of a posting on social media referencing a threat after dismissal today,” D’Andrea said in a note to parents sent earlier on Friday. “The Andover Police Department is currently investigating this report.”

The full text of D’Andrea’s messages are published at the bottom of this story. Andover News has asked Andover Police for additional information and will update this story when we hear back from them.

Andover News received a screenshot of what appears to be the threat but has been unable to verify whether it is legitimate. “for all white follow the rules…that I have added,” the screenshot said. you better start tellin ya bimbo Sisters to stfu or you gon see me shooting up that school at 2:55. I leave for one year and mfs think they can play with what’s mine dw we gon find you n we play with what’s yours.”

On social media, parents expressed confusion and fear. Some parents said their children had been told to leave the school, while others said students were leaving on their own accord.

“I also want to encourage you to take some time over the upcoming weekend to talk to your children about the importance of always reporting anything they hear or see of concern, and being responsible in their social media postings,” D’Andrea said in his second note. “We will continue to reinforce this message with students as well.  Finally, I know that this type of situation evokes a range of emotions in our students.  Counselors and social workers are always available to speak with students.”

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AHS Principal Jimmy D’Andrea’s Messages To Parents

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I am writing to provide an update on the social media threat that was reported to us this morning.  The Andover Police Department has located the individual who posted the social media threat and confirmed that the threat is not credible.  

All students and staff in the building are safe, and we will continue to have a police presence at the school for the remainder of the school day.  For those of you who came to the school to pick up your students today, thank you very much for your patience. All absences for today will be marked as excused, but please note that it will take a few days to update all of the records in Aspen.

I also want to encourage you to take some time over the upcoming weekend to talk to your children about the importance of always reporting anything they hear or see of concern, and being responsible in their social media postings.   We will continue to reinforce this message with students as well.  Finally, I know that this type of situation evokes a range of emotions in our students.  Counselors and social workers are always available to speak with students.

Thank you very much for your partnership with the school, and please know that safety and security are always our absolute top priorities. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at [email protected].


Jimmy D’Andrea

Dear Parents and Guardians:

I am writing to share that we received a report this morning of a posting on social media referencing a threat after dismissal today. The Andover Police Department is currently investigating this report. 

As a precaution, we have additional police presence at the school.  I will also be speaking to all students in the next few minutes about this posting and emphasizing the importance of telling an adult immediately if a student sees or hears anything of concern. Safety and security is our absolute top priority.  

We thank the Andover Police Department for its immediate response to investigate this serious matter. I would also like to thank our school community for once again demonstrating their commitment to safety by reporting this incident. If you or your child become aware of any potential threat posted to social media or anywhere else, please notify a staff member, trusted adult, or the police right away.

We will share more information as it becomes available.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 978-247-5500.


Jimmy D’Andrea

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