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Ruby Remati of Andover will be heading to Paris next summer to compete in the Olympics after picking up two silvers at the Pan American Games earlier this month in Santiago, Chile.
Remati, whose home club is the Andover/North Andover YMCA Synchro team, picked up silver medals in the duet and team events. Remati was born in Sydney, Australia and has dual citizenship.
Remati and Megumi Field, here duet partner, only began swimming together in June. The two were the youngest duet to make the podium in Santiago.

Food Hub Serves 250 Thanksgiving Dinners
The Village Food Hub served 250 people in need Thanksgiving dinners last week.
It was a first for the local nonprofit, which partnered with Wellesley Restaurant Group, Ballard Vale United Church, and West Parish Church, as well as volunteers.
Village Food Hub operates the 24-hour food pantry at Ballard Vale United. With food insecurity rates for children in Andover rising 12% this year, the group is seeking additional volunteers. For more information and to volunteer, call 978-360-4395.
American Legion Recognizes AHS Senior

Members of American Legion Andover Post 8 presented an achievement award to Andover High School senior Edward Mukalazi for his outstanding performance at American Legion Boys State, and Boys Nation this past summer.
Boys State is a participatory program in which students become part of the operation of local, county and state government. The training centers on the structure of city, county, and state governments, operated by students elected to various offices.
Mukalazi was one of just two representatives from Massachusetts at Boys Nation in Washington, where the young leaders receive an education on the structure and function of federal government. At the event, each delegate acts as a senator learning the proper method of handling bills, according to U.S. Senate rules. Participation in the political process is emphasized throughout the week, including organization of party conventions and nominating and electing a president and vice president.
Did you know? As a service to readers, Andover News will publish obituaries as well as engagement, wedding and birth announcements free of charge for Andover residents.