Former Andover School Committee members Tracey Spruce and Joel Blumstein (above) compiled two pages of bullet point notes for a former Andover Public Schools assistant superintendent so she could strengthen a memo explaining the committee's denial of a private school's first of two applications to operate in Andover (file photo).

The following letter to the editor was submitted by Andover resident Joel Blumstein (photo, above). The views expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Andover News. You can learn more about our policy on opinion and commentary on our Mission and Policies page.

Several people have asked why Andover should spend $1.3 million to complete the schematic design for a new Andover High School if they already know how they feel about the issue. What additional information will be gained by proceeding with the design? The answer is “a lot.”

The remaining design work to be completed over the next six months is where important decisions on building design will be made and serious consideration given to value engineering – reducing costs while retaining educational and other values. We did this to great effect during the design of the soon-to-be completed West Elementary and Shawsheen Preschool, eliminating numerous features from the original design with significant savings. I expect the AHS Building Committee will do the same.

This time also will allow Town officials to pursue sources of funding, whether within existing budgets or from outside sources, which can mitigate the impact on taxpayers. Only when these things are done will the true cost to taxpayers of a new school be known. Only then can a truly informed decision be made at a future Town Meeting on whether to proceed with the project.

A decision of the magnitude of whether to build a new AHS – among the most important in the Town’s history – deserves to be made only after the most complete information possible is available. I believe most fair-minded Andover residents will agree and why I strongly encourage a Yes vote on Article 7A at Town Meeting on November 20th.

Joel Blumstein

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4 thoughts on “Opinion: Don’t Kill AHS Without All The Info”
  1. We don’t need precision to know we can’t afford this now – even if we miraculously cut the cost in half it would use up all of our available debt capacity and then some. In fact, recommending that we spend another $1.3M in light of this obvious truth is the kind of irresponsible use of taxpayer funds that makes many of us nervous that the building committee’s priorities and values are out of step with the majority of our taxpayers’ priorities and values.

    When we create a town where taxes are so high that the families who traditionally rely upon public schools can’t afford to live here anymore, I have to wonder what we are truly seeking to get out of this project.

  2. Rather than speculating on what the cost of a new AHS would be, as Mr. Pokress and Willie do, let’s actually find out. That is what Article 7A does. If, at the end of the schematic design process, someone doesn’t like the final number, they can vote against the project then – at next year’s Town Meeting and at the ballot box. But, for now, let’s give all residents a chance to see what those final numbers are and to make an informed decision, when all the information is in, on whether to move forward with the project.

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