How Andover Residents Did In The 2023 Boston Marathon
See how Andover residents did in Monday's 127th Boston Marathon.
Local Matters
See how Andover residents did in Monday's 127th Boston Marathon.
Andover resident Steve Walther told the select board he believes the Town is violating the state's public records law.
Looking for things to do during school vacation week in Andover? Andover News has you covered.
Here’s the Andover News weekly rundown of government meetings, events and activities happening in Andover.
Former Select Board member Dan Kowalski says Andover needs to do more outreach to get more residents involved in Town…
Over the life of the proposed plan, the average Andover water customer will pay more than $300 more for water…
Laura Gregory, who said she had hoped to serve as chair this year but had "too much on my plate,"…
If Town Meeting passes article 13 on this year's Annual Town Meeting Warrant next month, Andover would join more than…
Article 41 on this year's Andover Town warrant is basically the same as last year's Article 35, with the errors…
The Town gets 10 cents every time you start an Uber or Lyft trip in Andover. Town Meeting will be…