Police determined Friday’s social media threat against Andover High School was not credible after the suspect was interviewed at his home by Methuen police.

Andover police are not releasing the name or age of the male suspect, who was charged with a felony count for threats, saying only he is a student in another school district. He is scheduled to be arraigned in Lawrence District Court at a later date.

The student, who was at home with his mother when Methuen police arrived at the house Friday morning, was taken into custody after police determined the threat was not credible.

Andover News received a screenshot of what appears to be the threat. “for all white follow the rules…that I have added,” the screenshot said. “you better start tellin ya bimbo Sisters to stfu or you gon see me shooting up that school at 2:55. I leave for one year and mfs think they can play with what’s mine dw we gon find you n we play with what’s yours.”

Several students left school Friday as news of the threat circulated, and Principal Jimmy D’Andrea said in a note to families all absences would be excused.

“All students and staff in the building are safe, and we will continue to have a police presence at the school for the remainder of the school day,” D’Andrea said in Friday’s note. “For those of you who came to the school to pick up your students today, thank you very much for your patience.”

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