Here’s the Andover News weekly rundown of government meetings, events and activities happening in Andover. Send us details of your event for inclusion in the Andover News Calendar.


Today is National Ice Cream Day! Find places to celebrate in Andover

Government Meetings 
6 pm: 375th Anniversary Committee 
7 pm: Conservation Commission Meeting 

Things To Do  
10 am: Stories on the Steps for ages 0-5 at Memorial Hall Library. Call 978-623-8400 to register. 
10:30 am: Morning Book Discussion Club. This month: Klara and the Sun by Kazua Ishiguro. Contact [email protected] for information. Call 978-623-8400 to register. 
3 pm: Snow Cones on the Roof Deck (Teens) at Memorial Hall Library. 
4 pm: Recycled Creations (Ages 7-11) at Memorial Hall Library. Call 978-623-8400 to register. 

Government Meetings 
9 am: MassHire Merrimack Valley Workforce Board: Planning/Career Center Committee  
7 pm: Master Plan Steering Committee Meeting 

Things To Do  
8:30 am: Men’s Breakfast at the Robb Center, $6. Call 978-623-8320 for more info. 
9:30 am: Wiggle Words for ages 0-2 at Memorial Hall Library. Call 978-623-8400 to register. 
10:15 am: Little Listeners for ages 2-5 at Memorial Hall Library. Call 978-623-8400 to register. 
10:30 am: English at Large Book Club at Memorial Hall Library 
1 pm: Writing Critique Group (Grades 4-6) at Memorial Hall Library. Contact Lexi Donahue ([email protected]) for more info. 
2 pm: Home Rehab Info Session at the Robb Center. Learn about PT, OT, speech therapy and more. Call 978-623-8320 for more info. 
3:30 pm: Camp Read Aloud (Grades K-1) at Memorial Hall Library. Call 978-623-8400 to register. 
4 pm: Tie Dye Tuesday at Memorial Hall Library. Call 978-623-840 to register. 
6:30 pm: Campfire Stories (Ages 0-5) at Memorial Hall Library. Call 978-623-840 to register. 

Government Meetings 
7:30 am: Planning Board Site Walk 
7:30 am: West Elementary SBC Meeting 
7 pm: Select Board at Ballardvale Fire Station (Select Board on the Road

Things To Do 
9:30 am: Wiggle Words for ages 0-2 at Memorial Hall Library. Call 978-623-8400 to register. 
10:15 am: Little Listeners for ages 2-5 at Memorial Hall Library. Call 978-623-8400 to register.  
1:30 pm: Space Organizing at the Robb Center. Learn how to create the envisioned space that you want. Call 978-623-8320 for more info. 
3 pm: The Nature Artist’s Eye (Teens) at Memorial Hall Library. Call 978-623-8400 to register. 
6 pm: Sand Art for Teens at Memorial Hall Library. Call 978-623-8400 to register. 
7 pm: Author Discussion (Virtual). Author Maryanne O’Hara will discuss her recent book, “Little Matches: A Memoir of Finding Light in the Dark,” in this Zoom webinar. Call 978-623-8400 to register/link. 
8 pm: Concert Series Society for Historically Informed Performance (SoHIP) at the Chapel at West Parish, 210 Lowell Street.  

Government Meetings 
5 pm: Town Seal Review Committee  
5:30 pm: Revenue and Expenditure Task Force  
7 pm: Investment Committee 

Things To Do 
9:30 am: Wiggle Words for ages 0-2 at Memorial Hall Library. Call 978-623-8400 to register. 
10 am: Dull Men’s Club at the Robb Center. Call 978-623-8320 for more info. 
10 am: Kayaking at Pomps Pond (Andover residents only). Call 978-623-8320 to register. 
10:15 am: Little Listeners for ages 2-5 at Memorial Hall Library. Call 978-623-8400 to register. 
3:30 pm: Dungeons and Dragons for Teens at Memorial Hall Library. 
4 pm: Senior Programs at the Robb Center. Ping Pong & Billiards, 4-8 p.m.; Fitness Room, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.; Yoga for Older Guys & Gals, 4 p.m.; Yoga with Andrea, 5:30 p.m.; Chinese Brush Painting (through July 21). Call 978-623-8320 to register. 
4 pm: Summer Science with Miss Kate (Ages 5-8) at Memorial Hall Library. Call 978-623-8400 to register. 
6 pm: Secondary School Fair at Phillips Academy’s Snyder Center. Schools attending include Brewster Academy, Dana Hall School, Foxcroft School, Fryeberg Academy, North Country School, and Santa Catalina School. Parking available in the Harrison Ice Arena parking lot, 254 South Main St (Rt.28). Call 978-749-4400 for more info. 
6 pm: Downtown Summer Music Series 


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Things To Do
10 am: Stories on the Steps for ages 0-5 at Memorial Hall Library. Call 978-623-8400 to register.  
10 am-2pm: Andover Farmers Market 

Send us details of your event for inclusion in the Andover News Calendar.

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