Andover will hold a special town meeting on June 18 to balance its budget after the operating budget for the Town and Andover Public Schools was amended at Annual Town Meeting in April. The amendment was aimed at saving 36 jobs slated for elimination under the Andover Public Schools budget for the 2024-25 school year.

Here’s a breakdown of the three articles on the warrant voters will consider on June 18 in an effort to close the $1.9 million gap:

What To Know About Special Town Meeting

  • The last day to register to vote for special town meeting is Saturday, June 8.
  • The Board of Registrars of Voters will hold extended hours on Saturday, June 8, 2024 from 8:30 A.M. until 5:00 P.M. at the Public Safety Building, 32 North Main Street, Andover for the purpose of registering new voters.
  • Residents may also register to vote at the Town Clerk’s Office during regular business hours, which are Monday through Friday 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M, subject to the June 8th deadline. Residents with a license or an I.D. issued by the Registry of Motor Vehicles may also register to vote online by visiting: Mail-in registration forms must be postmarked by the June 8th deadline.

Article 1

Article 1 would use $1.6 million in free cash and an estimated $283,000 in additional state education aide to close the budget gap.

Free cash is generally not used for reoccurring expenses like salaries but for one-time expenses like clean up from last September’s microburt.

The school committee has already said it would not use the free cash to save the positions that are being cut. The select board, school committee and finance committee all recommended special town meeting not approve article 1.

Article 2

Article 2 would amend the original APS operating budget to $102.8 million, reflecting the anticipated $283,000 in additional state aide. If passed, Superintendent Magda Parvey has said the additional money “may be used to support staffing in strategic areas defined by student need, including support for multilingual learners, student support, mental health and counseling services.”

The select board, school committee and finance committee all recommended special town meeting approve article 2.

Article 3

Article 3, according to the APS Web site, places $121,323 into the Finance Committee Reserve Appropriation. “Historically, Chapter 70 funding is received by the Town, which directs 70% to the School Department and directs the remaining 30% to support education through the Town’s budget – for example, to support school building maintenance and library services. The amount in the article represents the 30% of the Chapter 70 increase directed to the Town.” 

The select board, school committee and finance committee all recommended special town meeting approve article 2.

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