Labor Day is on Monday, Sept. 2 this year, meaning schools and town offices will be closed in Andover. Trash collection will be delayed one day next week (Monday collection on Tuesday, Tuesday collection on Wednesday, etc.).

Here’s a quick rundown of what else is open and closed on the federal holiday:

Andover Public Schools: Closed Friday and Monday
Andover Town Offices: Closed
Robb Center: Closed
Trash collection: Delayed one day next week
Memorial Hall Library: Closed Saturday, Sunday and Monday
Andover/North Andover YMCA: Closed
Retail stores: Open
Liquor stores: Open
Supermarkets: Open
Convenience stores: Open
Restaurants, bars: Open
Banks: Closed
Stock market: Closed
State, federal offices: Closed
Mail: Express delivery only. Post offices closed.
MBTA: Subways, buses on Sunday schedule; commuter rail on weekend schedule. Orange line remains closed through Sept. 19.

Photo: “Restaurant’s ‘Sorry we’re Closed’ sign” by Nick Papakyriazis is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

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