More than 180 Andover High School students have signed a petition asking administrators to revert to the class schedule that was adopted during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Last week, the school changed the class schedule to pre-COVID rules, which allow students four minutes in between classes. The pandemic rules included one-way walking in hallways and staggered bells to reduce close contact. In a note to parents, Principal Caitlin Brown said the change should have been made at the start of the school year.

Sophia Miele, the student representative to the Andover School Committee, told the committee Thursday the school’s student government had also approved a statement supporting the petition.

“Many students have found it difficult to arrive on time for their classes due to the overcrowded hallways,” the statement said. “We understand this is a change is in response to COVID-19 regulations being dropped. However, we do express our concern with the short amount of time students have been given to go from class to class.”

Photo: Sophia Miele, AHS representative to the Andover School Committee.

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