Andover News Publisher’s Advisory Committee

Andover News is forming a publisher’s advisory panel made up of 4-7 community members representing a broad cross-section of Andover residents.

The group would meet about once a month starting this fall to discuss ways to help Andover News, grow, and fulfill its mission of providing quality, comprehensive coverage of Andover and developing a profitable business model for local news that could be expanded to other Merrimack Valley communities. 

While we’re looking for people who understand the importance of local news coverage, you do not necessarily need a background in journalism. We’re looking for people with differing political views, as well as a mix of new and longtime residents, and a cross-section of ages. We’re especially interested in hearing from people with backgrounds who can offer ideas and advice on small business start-ups, finance, promotion, government, Web design, social media, legal issues, and more. 

If you want to learn more or be considered for the publisher’s advisory panel, please complete the form below by Sept. 30. You can also access the questionnaire here.