The work was part of clean up following a Sept. 8 storm that knocked down hundreds of trees in Andover (file photo).

Town officials say they are “looking for a pound of flesh” after a contractor cut down 20 trees on conservation land in Andover.

“They really should have known better,” Conservation Commission member Ellen Townson said. “It’s important that they are aware, so these kinds of things don’t happen again.”

East Coast Tree Service performed cleanup work at a Cardinal Lane residence following the Sept. 8 storm that ripped through Andover. Owner Tom Fitzpatrick told the Andover Townsman, which first reported this story, responsibility for identifying the property line lay with the homeowner.

Conservation Commission members discussed taking legal action against the Reading-based company and want both East Coast Tree and the homeowner to appear before a future meeting. The commisssion can only fine property owners and firms that violate local conservation rules $200 per day.

“I think we should wait” on taking legal action, Commission Chair Donald Cooper said. “I think we are going to get a pound of flesh.”

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