A fox rescued 11 days ago by Andover Animal Control Officer Katie Kozikowski is recovering at Newhouse Wildlife Rescue in Chelmsford.

“Thank you to the resident who called in for this fox, to the Officers who helped capture her and to ALL of the volunteers at Newhouse Wildlife who continue to help animals from our town,” Kozikowski wrote in a Facebook post Wednesday afternoon. “Let’s hope she continues in the right direction and can some day soon make her way back to Andover.”

Andover police were called to a residence earlier this month where they found the fox. She could only walk a few steps before having to lay down. Staff at Newhouse diagnosed the fox with mange, an infection and an autoimmune disorder. In a Facebook post, a Newhouse staff member said they would hold their breath each morning as they walked by the fox’s cage.

“Every morning, I would hold my breath while I checked the incubator she was in. Would she still be alive?” the post said.

But on Wednesday morning, staff found the incubator was empty.

“It appears that during the night she woke up and decided she no longer wanted to be in there,” the post continued. “She was hiding under a cage, sitting up for the first time in 11 days and looking at me.

“So naturally I gave her breakfast…”

Photos: Newhouse Wildlife Rescue/Facebook

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