The following letter to the editor was submitted by Andover resident Sheila Doherty. The views expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Andover News. You can learn more about our policy on opinion and commentary on our Missing and Policies page.

As most of us were all caught up in our day-to-day lives over the holidays, our community saw a quiet end of an era.  Andover Country Day Preschool closed their doors in December after 53 years in operation. 

I have no children of my own, but have known so many families over the years who attended this preschool.  There are thousands of children’s lives that were touched by this organization and the people who ran it. 

Think of the now lifetime friendships, that started in their preschool years at Andover Country Day.  Parents who supported each other, and became fast friends as their children went through the school systems in the area.  New parents, who themselves were students, brought their own children to Andover Country Day School.  The impact this unassuming organization had on the children in our community can’t be overlooked as their doors quietly close. 

So many pressures hit small businesses, and decisions are made in their time, but this decision has caused me to pause with a feeling of sadness and a mountain of gratitude.  Well done, Andover Country Day School.  The seeds you sowed will bear so much good in this world!

Sheila Doherty
Elm Street, Andover

Photo: Andover Country Day Preschool/Facebook

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