Kevin Coffey/ File photo

The following letter to the editor was submitted by former Andover Select Board member Dan Kowalski. The views expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Andover News. You can learn more about our policy on opinion and commentary on our Mission and Policies page.

Having been a Selectman for 6 years, I learned a lot about town politics. One of the things I learned is that you have to be careful about who you trust. I learned that trust should be placed in people that are independent, collaborative, respectful and don’t think that they are above others. 

In my opinion, independence is the most important attribute of our next Select Board member. Kevin has served on a town board, but is in no way an “insider.” Kevin has no relationships that may compromise his independence and unbiased thinking. Kevin knows how to draw a line between personal relationships and professional responsibility. Kevin will challenge the norm, but he will do it in a respectful and thoughtful manner. 

Please join me in voting for Kevin Coffey – he will earn your vote!

Dan Kowalski

Andover News accepts and encourage reader submissions, including letters to the editor and opinion columns. Submissions should be 750 words long or fewer and Andover-focused. Please include your name, title if applicable to your topic and connection or interest in Andover. We also need a phone number so we can confirm authorship. Send us your prose! 

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