APS Superintendent Magda Parvey. File photo.

The Andover Education Association cast a vote of “no confidence” Thursday for Andover Public Schools Superintendent Magda Parvey.

“It’s a value statement of what’s happening in the schools, and we’ve asked the school committee to put her on leave,” AEA President Matt Bach said at a press conference Thursday night. Bach said more than 91 percent of the union’s 850 members voted no confidence in Parvey.

Andover School Committee Chair Lauren Conoscenti said she was disappointed by the union’s vote.

“Union leaders are now trying to scapegoat Dr. Parvey for personnel reductions that are necessary in part because of significant salary increases included in the new teachers’ contract,” she said. “As the district faces serious fiscal challenges, Dr. Parvey and her team have worked diligently to craft a budget that continues to put students and families first, while proposing difficult but necessary decisions in order to align increased expenses with available revenue. “

The union, which represents the district’s teachers and instructional assistants, opposes cutting up to 32 positions under the district’s proposed budget. Last month, Town Meeting amended the district’s budget in an effort to block the layoffs, but the district has signaled it will move forward with the staff reductions. APS has said the cuts and recent reassignments of other teachers reflect declining enrollments.

“We are making a demand to remove the superintendent,” AEA Second Vice President Lauren McCarron said. “What she’s putting forward as a budget is damaging to the schools.”

“In opposition to widespread public sentiment, Superintendent Parvey has not advocated for students or staff. Parvey’s plan to cut and transfer staff is retaliatory against educators, and, even worse,  harmful to students as it will cause irreparable learning loss,” AEA said in a statement. “Parvey’s silence in the matter is educational malpractice and conduct that is unbecoming of a professional in that position.” 

Bach said AEA would host a forum to discuss the budget on May 30 at 6 p.m. at Memorial Hall Library.

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