APS Superintendent Magda Parvey. File photo.

The union that represents Andover Public Schools teachers said dozens of its members received notice Tuesday that they would be teaching different grades or subjects next year.

In a Facebook post, the Andover Education Association said the cuts were retaliation for the union’s opposition to a budget that eliminates up to 32 positions to fill a $2.7 million deficit. The school committee has maintained the deficit stems from a new teachers contract awarded after a three-day strike in November and reflects declining enrollment in the district.

“Building based leaders make the decisions on their staffing placements, whereas transfers are made at the district level. Both placements and transfers are part of an annual review process and based on student need and enrollment,” the district said in a statement. “The review and adjustments happen each year. These staffing adjustments are not retaliatory or based on the budget; they are good practice to support the needs of our schools, students and families.”

Last week, Annual Town Meeting allocated money to the school department budget in an effort to save the jobs. That is forcing Town officials to rebalance the budget. The school committee, select board, and finance committee were scheduled to discuss the topic at a joint meeting at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday.

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