This month, Andover News is publishing profiles of the candidates running for select board and school committee in the 2024 Andover Town Election on March 26 to help voters make decisions. You can also view all Andover News election coverage.

Responses are from a questionnaire sent to all candidates in February and, in some cases, have been edited for length and clarity. Today’s profile is from Kevin Coffey, who is one of four candidates running for two open seats on the select board.

All Andover News coverage of the town election on March 26 will be available free to non-subscribers as a service to Andover voters. Please consider supporting local news by subscribing to Andover News.

The Basics

Family: Deirdre, my wife of 40 years, is a middle-school ELL teacher and now a district ELL specialist in Lowell Public Schools. Our son, Brian, is an energy consultant advising the US DOE on efficiency regulations. Our daughter, Caitrin, is a VA hospital rheumatologist. We have five grandchildren.

Education: Mechanical Engineering and Management degrees from MIT in 1984.

Occupation: After a career leading international technology businesses and companies, I now work as an independent consultant and investor supporting other business leaders.

Previous Candidate Profiles

Qualifications for Office

What prompted you to run for elect office?

Concern that the rate of increases in Town spending and property taxes are unsustainable and that more incisive questions need to be asked about the necessity, priority, and effectiveness of the “investments” we are making. Priorities and goals for our Town leaders should be better aligned to citizen priorities, requiring far more transparent, understandable, and interactive communications with residents.

On the Issues

What are the most important issues facing Andover that the select board will need to address in the next three-year term?

  • Financial responsibility, agreeing on a plan balancing tax growth and spending priorities. We need a long-term forecast of the large investments we must make, planning so that existing debts are paid off before new ones are approved. We need to maintain existing assets and core services within normal operating budgets without requiring extra debt or relying on grants or other unpredictable funding sources.
  • Genuine listening, transparent sharing of information, and reducing polarization in Town decision-making.
  • Supporting important discussion demanded by citizens of the alternatives for future governance of Andover. A clear mandate to question our Open Town Meeting form of government has been expressed and, while I both feel serious limitations and recognize great wisdom in Town Meeting, we must reopen the conversation, build on the earlier work of the Town Governance Study Committee, and ultimately find the path best meeting the future needs of Andover citizens.

Outline your position, if any, on the Andover’s efforts to comply with the new state housing rules for municipalities in Massachusetts that have MBTA stations and service. What, in your opinion, is the best option for Andover to comply with these rules?

As a member of the Andover MBTA Zoning Working Group, I dug deeply into this state law, met with many residents to explain it, and carefully listened to their feedback and suggestions. Most residents did not think it prudent to fight the state, wanted our zone to be spread out across Andover to lessen congestion risk downtown, and wanted to preserve historical single-family neighborhoods. This informed my comments and votes in the Working Group, and I believe that we have developed proposed zoning that will allow Andover to comply with the state law, retain access to state funding sources, and zone for additional multifamily housing as required, all in a way acceptable to the great majority of Andover citizens.

What other issues do you feel are important in this election and/or your specific race?

Citizens want much greater independence, open-mindedness, and objectivity in their officials. There is heightened concern about too many positions and too much authority being concentrated in a small, self-reinforcing group of people. Better decisions can be reached with more genuine, open, constructive debate where all have equal access and are treated respectfully and honestly. The Select Board’s primary responsibility is to ensure that the most important priorities of Andover citizens are clearly in focus for our Town government.

What differentiates you from your opponents?

True independence and objectivity. I do not work for or represent any business in Town, do no business of any type with or in the Town, and have zero financial interest of any type in Town (beyond being a normal single-family homeowner here since 1996). I am not a member of a political party or any small political interest group and owe no allegiance. I am pleased to be supported by a very wide range of residents from all backgrounds and affiliations. I do not aspire to any further political office.

What else should voters know about you and your campaign?

My mother was a career educator—a special education and honors English teacher, counselor, principal, and district program leader, and my wife is a teacher and administrator. They have given me a deep appreciation for the challenges and importance of strong schools and made school performance a priority for me, even though the Select Board does not have authority in school matters.

If I am elected, my work on the Select Board will be guided purely by determination to do my best for the greatest number of Andover citizens.

Key Dates For The 2024 Town Election

The town election is scheduled for March 26. The last day to register to vote in the 2023 Andover election is March 16, 2023. You can register to vote online or by visiting the Town Clerk’s office.

March 16: Deadline to register to vote in the March 26 election.

March 26: Election Day. Polls open 7 a.m. – 8 p.m. (completed mail-in ballots must be received by 8 p.m. on election day).

More election information from the Town of Andover.

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