She is Andover’s equivalent of New York City’s Flaco the Owl, only even more visible and — hopefully — facing a less tragic end.
As Henrietta the Turkey has continued to patrol the intersection of Haverhill and Lowell Streets over the past few months, Andover Animal Control is worried she is going to get hit by a car. That fear was intensified earlier this week when seed mixed into the ground near the Bill DeLuca Chevrolet Dealership. That prompted the Town to move a message sign to Shawsheen Village urging people not to feed the wildlife.

“Henrietta is attracted to this seed, and it is exactly what is causing her to stay in this intersection causing her to block traffic and is putting people in danger while driving,” Andover Animal Control officer Katie Kozikowski wrote on Facebook. “If you see anyone leaving food down in this area, please contact Animal Control immediately so we can put a stop to it.”
Henrietta began clucking around Shawsheen Square in January. At the time, Kozikowski said she received dozens of calls about the bird.
“My best guess is that she was booted from her flock nearby on Frye Circle, and she didn’t go far,” Kozikowski wrote. “And no matter how hard anyone tries to help her to a safer location, she just keeps returning to her beloved intersection to watch the cars go by.”