The following letter to the editor was originally submitted by Andover resident Ruby Mari Nieves. The views expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Andover News. You can learn more about our policy on opinion and commentary on our Mission and Policies page.

Dear Editor,

Kevin Coffey is an Andover Select Board candidate concerned about the cumulative impact of tax increases the community has endured in recent years.

In a recent conversation, there was a moment where Kevin and I had a difference of opinion. Initially, I thought his reaction was a bit defensive. As we continued our conversation; I noticed he asked for clarification of my points and paused to analyze his own perspective.

I realized I had misinterpreted something. I imposed my own bias on Kevin, when he was simply approaching a conflict with a sense of urgency. Kevin Coffey is not a defensive person, but rather a passionate problem solver.

I support Kevin Coffey for Select Board because he takes time to look at the potholes and safety of the sidewalks on his morning walks through Andover.

I support Kevin Coffey because he is dedicated to supporting the quality of Andover’s educational system, even though his children are past college and working.

I support Kevin Coffey because he spends hours of his day listening to residents needs, meeting with Town department heads, and still makes time in the evening to bake chocolate cookies for friends.

I support Kevin Coffey because he recalls the outline of the sign at the Luncheonette when he first walked in twenty-seven years ago for breakfast, and to which he is still loyal today.

I can not foresee if Kevin Coffey will agree with every viewpoint that I may present in the future. What I do know is will dedicate himself to the community as a team player with the whole Select Board, School Board, and Town administration for the best possible results for Andover.

How could I possibly know that? Because he is doing it! Integrity, loyalty and transparency are values that Kevin Coffey will tell you are important himself. Just ask him!

Kevin Coffey is open, available, and accessible to represent the needs of Andover residents. Please remember this when you vote on March 28.


Ruby Mari Nieves

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3 thoughts on “Opinion: Coffey Will Dedicate Himself To Andover”
  1. I’m glad you had a positive experience, but mine has been very different, and much more in line with your initial impression. These are a selection of *public comments* made by Mr. Coffey at a community engagement session for the Rt 133 reconstruction project. I do not see this is respectful disagreement– is argumentative and ultimately does not foster cooperation and compromise. Some might see this as simply “speaking his mind”, but please try to envision this behavior from a Select Board member and really ask yourself if this is the type of person we want running and representing this town.

    “A two-foot grass strip is useless! It takes space, contributes little, and requires maintenance.”
    “You guys are delusional if you believe that this corridor can be both safe and convenient for so
    much and so many kinds of traffic.”
    “Who is going to sit on a bench looking at Lowell St. or Shawsheen intersection? Get real!”


  2. i actually agree that a two foot grass strip is useless and would require unnecessary maintenance. So points for Kevin on that one! It’s time for change in the select board. The current status quo isn’t working. Kevin understands that we can’t continue raising residential property taxes in Andover without trying to curb expenditures or finding alternate ways of revenues (such as bringing more business). Andover families, retirees can’t afford it anymore.

  3. I certainly hope to see people who speak directly and frankly on the Select Board. The SB meetings have appeared utterly scripted with no substantive debate and only procedural questions, more like a politburo. Andover citizens would gain tremendously to have reasoned debate and inquiry in public Select Board meetings.

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