The following letter to the editor was submitted by George Thorlin, who is running for select board in the March 26 local election. The views expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Andover News. You can learn more about our policy on opinion and commentary on our Mission and Policies page.

Despite all the recent publicity by Andover town officials regarding the Complete Streets traffic-calming initiative little real investment is being allocated.  Not even a modest amount has been proposed in the FY2025 Town Manager Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget.  As shown in the proposed CIP, which is available on the town website on page 45 of 227, a request from Andover’s Community Development and Planning Department for the modest amount of $150,000 was not recommended by the Town Manager. This is out of a proposed CIP budget of $18,328,126 and overall FY2025 town budget proposal of over $246 million dollars.

As described by the planning department “Creating a comprehensive Downtown Residential Traffic Calming Zone that encourages safe driver behavior improves the quality of life for residents and strengthens the community.”  The budget request goes on to state, “This plan will also support the community’s goals to connect residents to… commercial spaces, the commuter rail and enhance pedestrian and bicycling throughout the town… ” as first stated in the FY2023 CIP.

Very well said by our Community Development & Planning Department!

Is this why some town officials describe the Complete Streets traffic calming project as “inter-generational” and will take “decades” to implement.  Can the residents of Andover wait 20, 30 years for Traffic Safety?

According to the town’s website the FY2025 budget will be presented to the Select Board on February 26. Call and/or contact the Andover Select Board and demand that this project, and others like it be funded on a regular annual basis.

George Thorlin
(978) 699-0900

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One thought on “Opinion: Town Pays Lip Service To Traffic Calming”
  1. Hi George, while I don’t disagree with you that we need a significant increase in funding to carry out these traffic calming projects, I do want to point out that the downtown traffic calming zone work is going to take place and is being paid via ARPA funds, and thus shows as a $0 in the CIP. Please don’t hesitate to reach out the planning department directly for further details–they’ve always been extremely forthcoming with me.

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