Fellow Residents,

It would appear there is little these days we can all agree on. I often find that disheartening, but hopefully after this weekend there is much we can agree on and be thankful for. First of all, in Andover at least, through all the devastating damage of Friday’s storm, not a single life was lost. With no warning and so many on the road, we can all agree, I hope, that was nothing short of a miracle.

Secondly, how amazing was the cleanup effort? After seeing the damage on Friday after the storm, I was sure we wouldn’t have power for close to a week. Riding around on Friday evening trying to find a route home, I was struck by how many people were out helping their neighbors and sharing their stories. It was community at its best in spite of the damage!

Lastly, our Town Administration, along with the Police, Fire, Public Works and Plant and Facilities departments immediately after the storm, organized and manned an Emergency Crisis Center 24/7 and set about mobilizing the Town Crews and Utility Company crews to open the streets, cordon off areas with downed live wires and get Andover back up running in less than a weekend for the most part. They communicated to the residents what was happening and worked diligently with local, State and private entities to get the job done.

From the Town Manager to each member of these departments, the effort was amazing, and I believe appreciated by us all! Was it perfect (?), probably not, nothing ever is. But it was a best effort, by those committed to maintaining this community with often little recognition.

To each of you, for these efforts, I say “THANK YOU” for almost ALL of us! Well Done!

Sheila M Doherty
Elm Street

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