Andover School Committee Chair Tracey Spruce (file photo).

The Andover School Committee named Tracey Spruce its new chair as part of its annual, post-town election reorganization at its meeting Thursday.

Spruce replaces Susan McCready, who had been chair since last May, and will serve a one-year term. Lauren M. Conoscenti, who was the only member up for reelection this year, ran unopposed in the March 28 election.

Spruce is an attorney who also serves as the school committee’s liaison to the West Elementary School Building Committee. She is in the last year of her second term and was first elected to the school committee in 2018. Spruce is up for reelection next March.

Conoscenti nominated Spruce, and the nomination was seconded by Sandis Wright. There were no other nominations and the vote was unanimous with Spruce abstaining. The board also unanimously elected Conoscenti as Vice Chair on a motion by Wright and seconded by Emily Dicesaro. The vote was unanimous, with Conoscenti abstaining.

Spruce and Conoscenti will assume their new roles at the school committee’s first meeting after Annual Town Meeting in May.

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