A two-member subcommittee made up of Christian Huntress and Melissa Danisch interviewed all five candidates and recommended the reappointment on the incumber ZBA members to the full select board.

The Andover Select Board reappointed three members to the Zoning Board of Appeals Wednesday night.

ZBA alternate member David Guerette, who has served as an alternate member of the ZBA since first being appointed in 2019, ZBA clerk Carol McDonough, who was first appointed to the ZBA in 1979, and Lisa Rechisky, were unanimously approved for new three-year-terms. All three had terms that expired June 30.

Five regular members and four alternate members are appointed to the ZBA by the select board to serve three-year terms on a rolling schedule. A two-member subcommittee made up of Christian Huntress and Melissa Danisch interviewed all five candidates and recommended the reappointment of the incumbent ZBA members to the full select board.

Huntress said he hoped Aseem Junega and Matthew Nigrelli, the two candidates who were not selected, would be considered for future openings on other town boards and committees.

“Matt and Aseem were outstanding interviews,” Huntress said. “We were lucky to have them in, and we’re lucky to have them as Andover residents.”

“My only reluctance with appointing them is simply experience and maybe background,” Danish said. When we look at the breadth of what we have on the ground it matches nicely with the seated members, the folks that would like to be reappointed. And it is nice to have folks in town who have served before.”

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