Town Manager Andrew Flanagan will present his proposed, capital improvement plan — including $24.5 million in spending for the next fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023 — to the Andover Select Board Monday.

The budget covers improvements and maintenance to town and school properties and is culled from the $34.2 million in requests from Town of Andover department heads. Funding for the budget includes $2.9 million from the general fund reserve, $1.9 million from free cash, $4.9 million in borrowing, $1.4 million from special dedicated funds and $13.4 million from the Water & Sewer Enterprise Funds.

In addition to the requests for the next fiscal year, the capital improvement fund includes projections of future capital improvement needs through FY 2028. Final approval of the capita improvement plan would come at Annual Town Meeting beginning May 1, 2023.

The 2024 budget recommends borrowing $4.9 million, including $1.1 million for major school projects. Those projects including $600,000 for a turf field at Bancroft Elementary School and repairs and maintenance at Andover High School, South Elementary School and West Middle School. The remainder of the $4.9 million would go to replacing a fire engine and public works vehicles, improvements at town parks and playgrounds and improvements at Old Town Hall and Memorial Hall Library.

Key Dates In Capital Improvement Budget Process

Nov. 15: Town Manager Andrew Flanagan delivers recommended budget to select board.

Nov. 21: Select board public hearing on proposed budget.

Dec. 7: Select board, school committee and finance committee discuss proposed budget.

Dec. 12: Select board discusses and considers adopting budget.

May 1, 2023: Final approval at Annual Town Meeting.

Town Manager Andrew Flanagan’s proposed 2024-28 capital improvement program

2 thoughts on “Turf Field, New Fire Engine On Andover Town Manager’s Capital Improvement Wish List”
  1. I thought the budget had to go before (spring) Town Meeting to be adopted? Doesn’t the Select Board just vote to “recommend” adopting?

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