red and black rooster on green grassPhoto by Erik Karits on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Among the calls that kept Andover police this past week, according to the police log:

  • A strange orange light in a backyard.
  • People fishing getting harassed.
  • Disputes between passengers and Uber and cab drivers.

Andover police made 22 speeding traffic stops between Aug. 16-22, down from 31 last week. As Andover prepares to enforce the new, town-wide, 25 mph speed limit, Andover News began includes the speeding enforcement information in addition to the selected entries from each day’s police log.

Call of the Week

Thursday, Aug. 17, 12:23 pm: Caller says roosters are chasing him around his yard on Osgood Street.

Those and other selected entries from the Andover Police Department’s public log for July 19-Aug. 1 are listed below. Some entries may be updated after publication to include additional details from Andover Police Lt. Edward Guy. Those comments will be in bold.

You can download a PDF file of the complete, unedited log and view past entries from the Andover police log.

Thursday, Aug. 17

1 warning and 1 citations issued for speeding, and 2 speeding stops that were not designated as citations or warnings in the log.
8:53 am: Package theft, Red Spring Road.
11:08 am: Elderly man walking along Pilgrim Drive/Reservation Road. Nothing found in area.
12:23 pm: Caller says roosters are chasing him around his yard on Osgood Street.
1:47 pm: Detective investigation, Lewis Street.
5:00 pm: Woman wants to speak with someone taking pictures of her at her mom’s house and sending them to police.
5:24 pm: Fall from bike, Bypass.
7:20 pm: Assault, Stevens Street.
8:26 pm: Someone bothering group of people fishing, Lowell Street.

Friday, Aug. 18

0 warnings and 0 citations issued for speeding, and 2 speeding stops that were not designated as citations or warnings in the log.
11:44 am: Neighbors arguing about water pumping issues, Maple Avenue.
4:40 pm: Car playing loud music, North Main Street.
5:53 pm: Report of past car break in, Railroad Street.
6:23 pm: Car drove around on Russett Lane lawn.
6:56 pm: Caller said someone was following and threatening them on Prospect Road. Misunderstanding of how fast he was driving.
11:35 pm: Caller reports “some kind of orange light in his backyard…was a reflection from water as the yard was flooded.”

Saturday, Aug. 19

1 warning and 3 citations issued for speeding
3:12 am: Man sleeping in car on River Road moved along.
4:45 am: Uber driver arguing with someone in car, Surrey Lane.
12:48 pm: Possible assault of man in wheelchair, Lowell Street.
3:01 pm: Possible rabid raccoon euthanized, Highland Road.
6:45 pm: Vehicle vandalism, Longwood Drive.
10:11 pm: Kids playing basketball, Central Street.

Sunday, Aug. 20

0 warnings and 0 citations issued for speeding, and 3 speeding stops that were not designated as citations or warnings in the log.
12:13 am: Dispute with cab driver over fare, River Road. Parties worked it out.
5:20 pm: Gift cards all over Joyce Terrace/North Main Street. Nothing found.
10:18 pm: Cars doing donuts in Brickstone Square parking lot. Parties spoken to.

Monday, Aug. 21

1 warning, 1 citation issued for speeding, and 1 speeding stop that was not designated as citations or warnings in the log.
12:43 am: Package stolen from outside room at River Road hotel.
1:03 pm: Well-being check, New England business Center Drive.
4:09 pm: Woman in car yelling for help. Man took off towards Shawsheen School.
6:19 pm: Friend made vague threats during an argument, Railroad Street.

Tuesday, Aug. 22

1 warning, 1 citation issued for speeding, and 4 speeding stops that were not designated as citations or warnings in the log.
5:01 am: Car hit, killed owl on Summer Street.10:43 am: Caller found bullet near Town Offices on Bartlet Street.1:35 pm: Custody issue, Brookside Drive.5:15 pm: Caller requesting well-being check on son who fought with father previous night and stayed with her. Son is back at father’s house.6:43 pm: People hanging out of car windows, Salem Street/Woodland Road.10:00 pm: Crash with injury, Ballardvale Road.

Stock photo.

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