Andover Election

Andover voters will head to the polls on Tuesday, March 26 to make decisions in at least two contested races: a four-way race for two open select board seats and a three-way race for two open seats on the school committee.

There could be more candidates and more contested races as candidates return nomination papers. But for now, Andover News wants to get an early sense of how Andover voters feel on the two main events in this year’s local election.

This is a quick, down-and-dirty survey that takes less than a minute to complete.

To thank you for the time it takes to complete our survey, we’ll enter you in a drawing for a $50 gift card to the Andover business or restaurant of your choice. We’ll choose two winners, and everyone who enters before the survey closes at noon on Friday, Jan. 26 at noon, will automatically be entered to win. All survey responses are kept confidential.

This survey is not a scientific poll, with random sampling and weighting by race, income, education and other factors, but should instead be viewed as a broad gauge of public sentiment.

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