Among the calls that kept Andover police this past week, according to the police log:

  • Runaway donkeys.
  • A hard-of-hearing hotel guest.
  • A skunk that had to be euthanized after causing traffic issues on Elm Street.

Andover police made 31 speeding traffic stops between Aug. 9-15, down from 37 last week. As Andover prepares to enforce the new, town-wide, 25 mph speed limit, Andover News began includes the speeding enforcement information in addition to the selected entries from each day’s police log.

Call of the Week

Sunday, Aug. 13, .10:52 am: Driver did not stop, North Street/River Road. Lawrence police report a hit-and-run with same car. Pursuit terminated on Andover Street.

Those and other selected entries from the Andover Police Department’s public log for July 19-Aug. 1 are listed below. Some entries may be updated after publication to include additional details from Andover Police Lt. Edward Guy. Those comments will be in bold.

You can download a PDF file of the complete, unedited log and view past entries from the Andover police log.

Wednesday, Aug. 9

8 warnings and 3 citations issued for speeding.
12:24 am: Caller believes someone is in their house on Topping Road. No signs of forced entry, checked interior with homeowners, “nothing found out of the ordinary.”
8:13 am: Hotel guest reporting blouse stolen from her room, River Road.
12:21 pm: Assist Boxford police with donkeys in road. “Donkeys are back home.”
1:10 pm: Man arrested for three warrants after dumping loam into water, Andover/Central Streets.
5:49 pm: Tools stolen out of truck parked in MBTA lot on Railroad Street.

Thursday, Aug. 10

4 warnings, 1 citation issued for speeding, and 1 speeding stop that was not designated as citations or warnings in the log.
1:56 am: Man slumped over steering wheel on River Road. “They were just taking a nap before continuing driving.”
10:11 am: Detective investigation, Park Street.
10:41 pm: Issue between co-workers, Lowell Street.

Friday, Aug. 11

1 warning and 1 citation issued for speeding.
10:23 am: Custody issue, William Street.
2:37 pm: Firewood dumped in the middle of Kensignton Street.
6:15 pm: Sewage coming up from basement sink, Smithshire Estates. Water division notified.
7:35 pm: Caller says upstairs neighbor pushed him, Grandview Terrace.

Saturday, Aug. 12

No log available on Wednesday morning.

Sunday, Aug. 13

0 warnings and 0 citations issued for speeding.
10:52 am: Driver did not stop, North Street/River Road. Lawrence police report a hit-and-run with same car. Pursuit terminated on Andover Street.
7:33 pm: Neighbor keeps turning their shower on and off, Stowe Court.

Monday, Aug. 14

6 warnings and 3 citations issued for speeding.
5:54 am: Caller says person in apartment is “dropping pumpkins,” Stowe Court.
6:22 am: Skunk in middle of road causing a traffic issue, Cheever Circle’Elm Street.
7:20 am: Guest at Riverside Drive hotel not answering phone calls or knocks on door. Fire department entered room. “This person was just hard of hearing.”
8:00 am: Several calls about a skunk wandering around Elm Street/Shipman Circle. Wilmngton Animal Control on scene and euthanized skunk.
12:45 pm: Driver would not give insurance info after hitting parked car on Barnard Street. Officer assisted with paper exchange.
8:12 pm: Attempted break in, North Main Street.

Tuesday, Aug. 15

2 warning and 1 citation issued for speeding.
7:26 am: Man arrested, possession of a class A substance, River Road.
8:43 am: Crash with injury.
11:17 am: Unruly customer on Lupine Road. “Miscommunications, parties all set.”
12:35 pm: Stolen car recovered by Lawrence Police, owner notified.
2:13 pm: Caller reports seeing two people on camera trying to enter his Bellevue Road house at 3 a.m.
3:16 pm: Child fell off playground structure, Bancroft Road.
3:33 pm: Woman concerned she has not heard from son-in-law today, Poor Street. Man is fine and will contact mother-in-law.
3:38 pm: Car vandalized, Longwood Drive.
4:36 pm: Package stolen, Juliette Street.

File photo.

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